Real Estate Roundup March 2022

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March 2022 has seen a significant increase in home mortgage interest rates. Geopolitical uncertainty, effects of inflation as well as Federal Reserve policies have had a major part to play in this. First-time homebuyers felt this impact the most. And with rental prices going up too, the options remain limited. As we wait to see what becomes of the housing market, here are the best real estate articles in the Real Estate Roundup for March 2022.

Cleaning your new home

Dirt and dust lurk in the most unexpected places. And they are really much more visible when the house is empty. That’s why cleaning the house before moving in is highly recommended. It’s also easier since there isn’t heavy furniture or appliances to move out of the way as you proceed. Nonetheless, you need to prepare and plan accordingly. Paul Sian breaks down the process of cleaning your new home before moving in. Paul’s advice will help you get your new home sparkling. Moving homes can be emotional, especially if you are leaving behind a well-loved home. Emotions can interfere with your productivity if you don’t have something to ground you. A detailed plan will help you get the job done faster.

Do you need a real estate agent?

Many people have tried to buy/sell houses without the help of a real estate agent and many have failed! This course of action is mainly fueled by the desire to save on the commission paid to real estate agents. However, don’t focus too much on the commission and forget the invaluable roles realtors play. Jeopardizing such a serious and long-term investment just to save a few coins isn’t wise. Luke Skar explains the risks of buying a house without a real estate agent. Realtors go above and beyond to ensure you get the house of your dreams at the best price possible. Also, they are not emotionally involved in the process.  This enables them to provide objective advice. Emotions cloud your judgment. The need for someone to keep you focused on the important aspects of the buying/selling process becomes important.

Finding a rental home

There are plenty of rental apartments. But this isn’t always the case if you are looking for a rental home. In the past, the popular option was to drive around your desired neighborhoods in search of a rental home with nothing but hope and determination. However, technology has saved renters from this pain. Online home rental websites have revolutionalized the real estate market. You can personalize your search and get hundreds of options within a second. Bill Gassett lists the best home rental sites. Some even offer virtual tours for a better experience.

Moving to Panama City Beach?

Moving can be an unnerving occasion.  It won’t feel so daunting if you are well-prepared. Planning for the move in advance takes the worry out of the equation allowing you to focus on the new possibilities that lie ahead. Most of the time, it means discovering new places and getting a clean slate. Moving to Panama City Beach is one of the best decisions you can ever make. However, the success of this process is heavily tied to adequate preparation. Choosing movers carefully and having all activities planned prior prevents costly mistakes. Additionally, ensure you have permits and any important documentation necessary, especially if you are moving across the states. Danny Margagliano has outlined important tips for relocating to Panama City Beach, FL for the best experience.

Supply chain shortages

Home improvement projects are your best bet if you wish to increase property value. However, how well these projects turn out is dependent on the availability of essential resources. Supply chain shortages have a huge impact on the implementation of home improvement projects. Vicki Moore explains the current supply chain shortages to ensure you plan accordingly for your future projects. You don’t want your plans derailed by something you could have avoided if only you were informed.

Cons of living in a gated community

A lot has been said about the advantages of living in a gated community, but there are disadvantages too. That’s why every potential buyer should research the drawbacks of living in a gated community in order to make an informed decision. Most of the complaints are related to the rules and regulations imposed by HOAs in these communities. Things like the monthly HOA fees and architectural restrictions are some of the major disadvantages as Sharon Paxson explains. Also, some gated communities restrict the type and number of pets you can keep. Go through the HOA bylaws carefully to determine whether they’ll work for you or not before buying or renting a home in a gated community.

Do you know what home buyers want?

Every home seller wants the shortest turnaround time possible for every home sale. Contrary to popular opinion, it’s so easy to achieve this if you give buyers what they want. The easiest way to do that is by educating yourself on the deal-breakers. Karen Highland explains what most home buyers want now. This article will help sellers prepare their homes accordingly. Nevertheless, you don’t have to do a complete overhaul of the home. Especially since it will require a huge budget. Just be keen on home maintenance and repairs. Also, it’s important to start the preparations early so that you have ample time to fix everything.

How are your sewer lines?

Home maintenance is an all-around process. However, sewer lines are overlooked most of the time until they burst or the toilets overflow. Don’t be one of those people who wait until all hell has broken loose to understand the importance of your sewer lines. Regular sewer line maintenance, inspection, and repair can save you a lot of trouble. Also, you won’t have to pay inflated prices for repairs or replacements if you get issues fixed early before they blow up. Conor MacEvilly explains everything you need to know about sewer lines repairs, costs, and not getting ripped off.