Discover the Charms of Vallemar, Pacifica: A Hidden Gem of a Neighborhood

You can easily miss one of the most desirable neighborhoods in town when you’re driving on Highway 1, passing through Pacifica, .

A long and modest two-lane road flanked by a gas station on one side and a humble group of shops on the other conceals the picturesque neighborhood. Vallemar abounds with majestic redwoods. A gentle creek winds its way, providing a nurturing habitat for a diverse array of lush greenery. No sidewalks and narrow, pot-holed roads add to its boho character.

large victorian home

The picturesque country setting offers a unique living experience like no other Pacifica neighborhood. Picture yourself strolling down tree-lined streets, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. Every corner boasts the beauty of the outdoors, making it a haven for those seeking solace from the hustle and bustle of city life.

It’s not just the natural beauty that sets Vallemar, Pacifica apart. The neighborhood is renowned for its eclectic home styles, ranging from quaint cottages to sprawling custom homes. Whether you’re drawn to the charm of a traditional bungalow or the allure of a modern masterpiece, you’ll find a home that perfectly suits your taste.

Its sense of community is what truly distinguishes Vallemar, Pacifica. Here, neighbors become friends, and every street feels like an extension of your own backyard. You’ll feel a sense of belonging whether you’re attending a neighborhood block party or simply exchanging friendly waves with passersbys.

red train car that has a bbq place in it


Ocean Shore Rail Road

The original train station, now a restaurant, and the coffee shop and hot spot made famous by HGTV are located in train cars. They remind us of the history along the coast in the early 1900s. The men who created the Ocean Shore Railroad were failed visionaries. Their dream was to put a rail road line on the California cliffs that ran down the coast. The trains would transport tourist and encourage them to buy the unobstructed plains of land.

Anyone familiar with the area now knows very well what a dangerous plan that was. Unfortunately for their finances they realized it too. Their fate was sealed by the 1906 earthquake when 4,000 feet of tracks, train cars and equipment fell onto the cliffs and ocean below. They continued to build.  But the company’s shoe-string budget wouldn’t be enough to save them from continued disasters.  They went bankrupt but not before making the coast a tourist destination for those San Francicans wealthy enough to seek adventure far from the City.

In addition to the train cars and station, there are still glimpses of those early days in Vallemar. The quaint cottages that line Reina del Mar Avenue were built for those visitors.

One of the winners of the Ocean Shore Rail Road was artichokes.  The Italian farmers found that the land was the perfect environment to grow artichokes. The coast became fields of the strange vegetable unfamiliar to most.

Ohlone Indians

That was long after the Muwekma Ohlone Indians made the area their home.  I encourage you to visit their website where they tell the compelling story of their tribe and lands they inhabited.