Home Buyer Blog

image of Sharp Park Golf Course, Pacific CA. Post title: Fixtures, Finishes and Furniture: Real Estate Definitions

Fixtures, Finishes and Furniture: Real Estate Definitions

Staging is the standard Staging, the standard in real estate markets, enhances a house’s appeal, drawing attention away from imperfections It makes the house look its best and can distract the eye from things that may be less than perfect. However, this aesthetic allure may lead buyers to overlook distinctions between fixtures, finishes, and furniture.

Fixtures, Finishes and Furniture: Real Estate Definitions Read More »

stocking feet in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace

Property Contingencies: The new hot topic

This winter season, the real estate market has taken a complete 180. It normally slows during the holidays but this is beyond a seasonal slowdown. It’s nothing like it was six months ago. Nationwide realtors are speaking a new language via their blogs. What’s the hot topic these days? Contingencies. Property Condition Contingencies For the

Property Contingencies: The new hot topic Read More »